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I will post here my latest compiled stand-alone Android versions (not all revisions will be present).
NEW GITHUB COMPILED REPOSITORY <== newer versions are here !!
pm3-bin-2.0.0 <-- major changes in this release, mainly in the LF front but not only ! Thanks to Piwi, Holiman, Iceman and Marshmellow for all the stuff !
BOOTROM UPDATE IS NEEDED TO FLASH from 0.0.7 (or earlier) to 2.0.0 !
OLDER GITHUB Repository Versions:
OLD GOOGLE CODE COMPILED REPOSITORY <== code compiled using the old google source code repository (newer versions are now in GitHub only! See above!)
Source code and compiling instructions can be found HERE <---!no support for this!
- Simply copy:
-- /system/bin/proxmark3 in Android /system/bin/ folder [file permissions: rwxr-xr-x]
-- /system/lib/ and /system/lib/ in Android /system/lib/ folder [file permissions: rw-r--r--]
and execute proxmark3 form shell like this:
proxmark3 /dev/ttyACM? [where ? = your serial port number (usually ttyACM0)]
Add also /lualibs and /scripts folders if you want to use .lua scripts:
also remember to run proxmark3 executable form /system/bin otherwise it will not find them !
- Proxdroid doesn't use Android APIs so it should work on every Android version;
- If your kernel already has modules and libraies and also permissions to read/write on /dev/ttyACM? root should not be necessary but it is preferred;
- To detect if you need the additional CDC (serial) module connect Proxmark3 with USB-On-The-Go cable/adapter and, from shell, digit ls /dev/ttyACM*: if something appears you are lucky = no need to manually add any module !
- 1 - If you find /dev/ttyACM but you receive "ERROR: invalid serial port" you probably don't have write permissions so you need root (after rooting, send su command BEFORE "proxmark3 /dev/ttyACM?" or send "chmod 666 /dev/ttyACM0" to enable writing permissions on ttyACM0 device);
- 2 - If you can't find any /ttyACM? your kernel doesn't have cdc-acm.ko module:
-- cdc-acm.ko is a stand-alone file for connection-class ports (ttyACM). No further dependencies. If this module is not present in the package, then it's already compiled into the respective kernel.
-- you can find cdc-acm.ko (stock ones) in the "\cdc-acm-modules" folder of the above packages: choose the one specific for your device; if more than one is available select your nearest-kernel-version. If you can't find yours then have a look at this external thread;
-- Once you found your specific cdc-acm.ko mdoule copy it in "\sdcard\serial\lib" folder, open the shell and type su followed by insmod /sdcard/serial/lib/cdc-acm.ko: if no error occurs then the module is correctly loaded and command ls /dev/ttyACM* will show your device number (remember that proxmark3 must be connected in order to show serial interface !) !! You must do this at each phone reboot - to bypass this annoying thing use this script (will enable serial port and enable write permission to it):
su -c 'insmod /sdcard/serial/lib/cdc-acm.ko';
and make it to run at boot (you can use Script Manager app).
- 3 - If you want to run script files (.lua) remember to execute proxmark3 executable (client) from \system\bin otherwise the client will not find it:
here is a simple shell scirpt you can copy in /system/bin to make it automatic:
su -c "cd /system/bin; ./proxmark3 /dev/ttyACM0"
- 4 - The cdc-acm module is known to be missing in the following MODELS' STOCK KERNEL (but it is available here):
- Allwinner A13 (maybe also on others, ex A10 but it is not tested)
- Google Nexus 10
- Lenovo IdeaTab S2109
- NoName tablets with Rockchip processor
- Samsung Galaxy Note (GT-N7000)
- Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 (GT-N8000)
- Samsung Galaxy Note II (GT-N7100), also for the Galaxy Note GT-N8010
- Samsung Galaxy S3 (GT-I9300) [Stock Kernel]
- Samsung Galaxy S3 (GT-I9300) [Boeffla Kernel]-7.1-beta7-Samsung-i9300-20141128@andrp71 #1]
- Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 (GT-P3100)
- Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 Wifi (GT-P3110)
- Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 (GT-P5110) and others
- Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 Wifi (GT-P5113)
- Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.0 + (GT-P6210)
- Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 (GT-P7510)
- Sony Xperia Mini Pro
- Sony Xperia Tablet Z
- 5 - No GUI is supported in proxdroid (data plot will not work).
I HAVE A CUSTOM (non-stock) I9300 KERNEL, WHERE CAN I FIND A I9300 STOCK KERNEL (possibly already rooted) ?
0 - disable ALL custom kernel (non-stock) tweaks (ex. overclock, undervolt, etc.) to avoid undesired Android behaviours;
1 - go HERE and download the toolkit (install in default folder C:\Samsung Galaxy S3 ToolKit);
1b (optional step) - Download update package and EXECUTE IT FROM THE ABOVE DEFAULT FOLDER (you can find the update download link in the 2nd post of the above linked thread)
2 - run the Toolkit;
3 - answer "no" to the "search for updates question";
4 - select your I9300 model typing the corresponding numeric value;
5 - select your Android firmware version (if you don't know, in Android go to settings -> device info [last voice]) typing the corresponding numeric value;
6 - select a download location typing the corresponding numeric value;
7 - wait until all downloads are completed;
8 - you will find stock rom and stock rom+root (insecure) files inside "C:\Samsung Galaxy S3 ToolKit\root\GT-I9300*" (both support CDC ACM, you should use "insecure one" to have also SU permissions);
9 - flash the desired kernel with Odin (you can also use the toolkit function to do this but Windows device drivers must be installed)
For any other Android device you must find the stock kernel for your rom, disable all non-stock kernel tweaks and re-flash the stock kernel.
- HTC One X+ - Stock kernel 3.1.10-g7f360be (rooted) - No need to add cdc-acm module
- Samsung Galaxy S3 [GT-I9300] - Stock kernel 3.0.31-836582 (rooted) - Need to add the missing cdc-acm module (see above explanations)
- Samsung Galaxy S3 [GT-I9300] - Boeffla Kernel]-7.1-beta7-Samsung-i9300-20141128@andrp71 #1 (overclock works fine)
Many thanks to marcv81 and it's original proxdroid work and to jonor for helping me setting up the Android ndk environment !
Last edited by asper (2015-05-22 20:56:13)
great work.
Unfortunately I don't have the root on my phone, and i don't want to root it.
I copied the exe on the phone memory, then from a shell i tried to copy it to my system folder but i receive the message "the system folder is readonly", then i tried to execute the exe from the actual path, but i get the error "can't execute: permission denied".
then i sent the command ls -la proxmark3 and i get "----rwxr-x system sdcard_rw ......."
I tried the command whoami but it is not present. then i tried the command chmod 777 proxmark3 but the answer is "Operation not permitted".
You can try to put in /data/local/tmp and execute from that path.
/system is readonly without root permission you can't remount it in rw.
You need also write permission on tty serial device if you have already the module's kernel for CDC ACM.
Without Root permission it's hard.
Does this require the app "USB Host Controller"?
I have a rooted Nexus One (aka Passion) but I'm not sure this will work...
No additional external app required, only serial module if missing.
Last edited by asper (2013-09-24 13:25:35)
Released r785 with necessary scripts folders.
Remember to execute proxmark3 executable from \system\bin to use scripts otherwise it will not find them !
Nice work!
How can I verify do my device's stock kernel have CDC ACM module or not?
I have root and busybox. Tied(under root):
# busybox modprobe cdc-acm
but didn't found anything
Connect pm3 and only now type:
ls /dev/ttyACM*
If the ttyACM device shows up (usually named "ttyACM0") then you have the serial module loaded (in some devices you must send the "su" command before the "ls" one to see it).
vivat is it possible to move this thread in a separate category like "Android Client" under "Software Development" ?
Thank you !
Last edited by asper (2013-10-02 08:34:11)
Released r788.
Hey Asper
I'm not a moderator
Well you are right, sorry... hope that a moderator will read that
Please if you are succesful in making my proxdroid working send a report in this thread with mobile model and kernel version and any notes !
Last edited by asper (2013-10-03 06:37:24)
Latest Version:
HTC One X+ Stock (but rooted)
Edit: Kernel 3.1.10-g7f360be armv71
/dev/ttyACM0 accessible
$ proxmark3
could not load library NOT FOUND cannot link executable
Last edited by midnitesnake (2013-10-03 18:04:02)
Just reworked the r788 proxdroid package (simply re-download it) adding compiled "" and "" libraries; please add both of them in Android /system/lib/ folder. Tell me your resultso so I can update 1st post ! Please add also your kernel version.
You will probably need root to do that !
Last edited by asper (2013-10-03 18:40:28)
Great it works!!! Nice One !!!
simply copying those libraries did the trick!
Nice. Thank you for your tests. 1st post updated.
Added r796; from now on the package will include a brief README.TXT.
Last edited by asper (2013-10-04 08:43:58)
Added r807.
Added r816.
Would it be posibel to turn this to a regular andiroide install file?
And would it be posible to make it work (atleast some funktions) using an android phones internal NFC(Rfid) chip?
we will work on it. i started an android app for PM3 but i don't have the time to complete it now.
now i'm working on a group buy and a hundred of other projects.
Are you planing on making the android client have the possibility to use internal NFC(Rfid) chip?
Or will it still be dependant on the proxmark3 hardware?
I am new to this but do anyone know if the internal NFC(Rfid) on an rooted android can do the timing attacks?
these are 2 different apps.
of course there is the need of a cool nfc app, cause a lot of things are supported by nfc hardware but there is not good apps.
this thread is about PROXMARK app. PM3 has many features that nfc doesn't have. so, it can be nice if we have a PM3 app to use pm3 with full capabilities connected to a smartphone.
Might save programming time to make it different modes of the same app?
If I had the java experience i would be happy to help finish the app/apps.
Sorry for bringing this thread of topic.
It is impossible to use mobile/tablet nfc like pm3; most of the features of nfc can be achieved by already developed apps such as TagInfo and TagWriter. To be clearer it is impossible with actual knowledge to crack a mifare with internal mobile/tablet nfc stuff.
Actually the TagWriter can only handle NFC enabled tag not other random rfid tag that taginfo can read and tells that is completely writeable.
Might be that taginfo is wrong in saying that the tag is writeable. and I haven't found any available app support simulating stored tags. but that might not be possible.
Please open a new thread if you want to speak about something else, I will be happy to answer you there (if you want you can attach TagInfo screenshots and pics of your nfc tag to help us helping you).
Added r833.
@asper - r833 contains the bad html-skel, it's in 831,832,833 and fixed in r834.
You are right.
Deleted r833 and added r834.
Last edited by asper (2013-12-06 08:41:40)
Added info to the 1st post about how to go back to a stock-rooted rom (only for I9300 devices).
Can someone (admins) please move this thread to a new category in the main page calle "Android Client" ? Thak you !
Last edited by asper (2013-11-05 13:23:49)
How can I compile my own version?
You need to install android NDK, I am using r9. Proxmark r839 has problems compiling, I will try to fix it (jonor, do you hear me ? ).
Anyway you will need 2 files (1 modified from the official source and one for the ndk) to correctly compile the sources.
Last edited by asper (2013-12-06 08:37:22)
Just managed to compile r839 fine ! You can download it in the 1st post as usual.
Last edited by asper (2013-12-06 08:19:03)
(based on proxmark3 source code r839)
This source code contains all stuff including the necessary readline and termcap code; the only missing thing is the official proxmark3 source code folder you can find HERE.
To correctly compile this source code (link available at the very end of this post) you need to install Android NDK (tested under NDK r9 - July 2013). I suggest to install NDK into a "no-space-between-names" folder (ex. D:\NDKr9 and not D:\NDK r9) to avoid possible "missing file" problems.
When you correctly installed it you need to:
-1- copy proxdroid folder into NDK \samples folder (ex. D:\NDKr9\samples\proxdroid)
-2- move out in a safe place the file llex.c you can find in \samples\proxdroid\trunk\proxmark3\liblua\
-3- copy the offical proxmark3 source code folder inside the trunk folder (ex. D:\NDKr9\samples\proxdroid\trunk\proxmark3\here-all-source-files+folders)
-4- overwrtie original \samples\proxdroid\trunk\proxmark3\liblua\llex.c with the modified llex.c you moved at step 2
-5- go to ndk root folder (es. D:\NDKr9\) and execute the following commands using a dos shell window (this example is good if you have NDK installed in D:\NDKr9 folder):
set PATH=D:\NDKr9\;%PATH%
cd samples
cd proxdroid
cd trunk
-6- compiled files [proxmark3;;] can be found in \libs\armeabi folder (ex. D:\NDKr9\proxdroid\trunk\libs\armeabi).
When you compile a new version I suggest you to clean the previous make command using the ndk-build clean command and then re-send commands at step 5 to compile the new version.
Android installation instructions can be found in the 1st post of this thread.
Many many thanks to marcv81 for the original project sources (no more updated since r653 release) and to jonor for making sure that all of this was possible !!
No support will be given for this source code !
Last edited by asper (2014-07-16 12:21:11)
I will try to fix it (jonor, do you hear me ?
Today after a long time you've read. Try to write the error.
Hi man! Glad to hear from you!!
The error was really stupid: missing a recently added file declaration in the .mk (if i well remember the extension) file.
Hope to find you soon on Skype
Hi there.
i 'm a beginner and i don't understand how to pass the step 3 about compiling;
i know (no help for compiling ) but i'm close to make the pm3 work on my Galaxy s3 4G, and i 'm frustrated!
can you detail what i'm supposed to do once
1- copy proxdroid folder into NDK \samples folder (ex. D:\NDKr9\samples\proxdroid) OK
-2- move out in a safe place the file llex.c you can find in \samples\proxdroid\trunk\proxmark3\liblua\ OK moved to another place
-3- copy the offical proxmark3 source code folder inside the trunk folder (ex. D:\NDKr9\samples\proxdroid\trunk\proxmark3\here-all-source-files+folders)
i copied the file proxdroid-bin-839 inside this folder but i don't understand step 4 after that :
why should i replace the llex.c file? i don't understand why it should be modified and what it is used for...
thanks in advance about this great community and sorry for my poor english!
The mod file is needed to correctly compile otherwise it will not .
You need to put PROXMARK OFFICIAL SOURCE CODE FOLDER and not proxdroid compiled files inside the trunk folder, i suggest you to re-read the instructions more carefully
You can avoid self-compiling and download and directly use already compiled files from 1st post (read it CAREFULLY, more than 1 time).
Last edited by asper (2013-12-27 23:34:49)
thanks for the fast answer!
actually i read too fast.
but as a beginner, i don't understand how everything work...
and right now i don't understand what is the proxdroid 839 file for, and how to reach the file system on the android phone...
i downloaded the terminal on my phone, but i don't know how to copy the files...
would you detail the steps of USAGE to use the PM3 on my galaxy?
thanks in advance, i'm a bit lost!
thanks for the fast answer!
actually i read too fast.
but as a beginner, i don't understand how everything work...
and right now i don't understand what is the proxdroid 839 file for, and how to reach the file system on the android phone...
i downloaded the terminal on my phone, but i don't know how to copy the files...would you detail the steps of USAGE to use the PM3 on my galaxy?
thanks in advance, i'm a bit lost!
I answer myself :
to reach system files ES FILE EXPLORER is great.
to allow permissions Root file manager is great too.
i copied files from 839 where they had to be.
Now i do have errors with the communication between proxmark3 and Android.
My phone is a I9305 samsung galaxy S3 4G, and i don't know if it can support files from I9300 cdc-adm-modules, cause i have the error invalid port, or "not found", even when i connect the pm3.
My cable is OTG,
by the way i have an error when i try to run a script from the PM3 command
executing scripts run 14araw for instance,
cannot open ./scripts/14araw.lua : No such file or directory.
where is this file supposed to be copied from?
thanks anyway, soon i can use my PM3 travelling.
Now i get with
su proxmark3 /dev/ttyACM0
can't open logfile, logging disabled...
Don't know what to do.
I don't get it : i only copied
and in
to my android phone.
is it enough t make run the proxmark?
i don't need source code files copied to root?
i don't have enough skills to understand ow it works...
So you re-read, good
It should work fine even without the log file.
Added r840.
Substituted r840 with r842.
Removed r842 and added r844.
Added r845.
Added r848.
Added 0.0.2.
the link of proxdroid source is not valid, could you upload again? Or could fork the project of marcv81 and apply your changes?
I still can't connect Proxmark3 from my Android phone....
When I use command "ls /dev/ttyACM*" ,there already has "ttyACM0,ttyACM2,ttyACM3" before I connect Proxmark3...
And I connect Proxmark3 , command "Proxmark3 ttyACM0" ,it doesn't work, the same as ttyACM2,ttyACM3...
please help me !