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#401 2016-05-27 13:34:24

Registered: 2016-05-25
Posts: 3

Re: MCT - An Android NFC-App for reading/writing/analysing/etc. MF Classic


Thanks for answering ikarus !

I found the topic about block0 in this forum but I had already posted mine here, sorry for that !

By "analysing frames" I just mean "looking at frames", I have 18 examples of block 0 of Mifare Classic 1k tags.

I found with my 18 blocks 0  that :
[05] = 88  or [05] = 08
[06] = 04  (always)
[07] = 00 (always)

This makes me think of SAK and ATQA and as asper posted it, here are the values of ATQA/SAK :
(NXP) MIFARE Classic 1K    --> 00 04 08
Infineon MIFARE Classic 1K --> 00 04 88
So maybe it corresponds to [05] [06] [07], it's ok with all my blocks 0 !!! big_smile
So maybe [05] is SAK and [06] [07] is ATQA, do you think this is relevant ?

But  there is something strange : when [05] of block 0 = 88 , the value of SAK given by mfoc is still 08.
(for all the tags I've tested I always have SAK = 08)
Any idea for this ? 

Another thing : when [05] = 08 , I have [08] to [15] with "wrong values".
To me these values do not have a real meaning, it's like :  62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69, so we do not see the week and year production because [14] = 68 and [15 ] = 69 !  (I also found 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19)
Maybe it is way to fill bytes, choosen by Infineon (which is different from NXP), what do you think about it ?

Sorry I do not have a Galaxy S6...

Thanks !!


#402 2016-05-29 16:51:19

Registered: 2012-09-20
Posts: 249

Re: MCT - An Android NFC-App for reading/writing/analysing/etc. MF Classic

Very interesting, whale. I think you are right about 06 and 07 being the ATQA.
At least it is documented in the nfc-tools wiki the same way:

[...] the first block (block 0) contains the UID, BCC, ATQA and Manufacturer data.

I will compare your findings on 05 to my Mifare Classic tags. (Please be a little patient with me wink)


#403 2016-05-30 11:38:58

Registered: 2016-05-25
Posts: 3

Re: MCT - An Android NFC-App for reading/writing/analysing/etc. MF Classic

Ok thank you ikarus !!
Here is also a confirmation for ATQA and SAK : smile

On this datasheet :
According to page 21, for NXP,  [11] refers to Load Modulation Status Byte.
But the usual values are ‘20’ and ‘00’, that’s do not fit at all with my own values of [11].
It’s strange…


#404 2016-06-11 14:43:12

Registered: 2016-06-08
Posts: 24

Re: MCT - An Android NFC-App for reading/writing/analysing/etc. MF Classic

ikarus wrote:

Hi everyone,
could those of you with a Samsung Galaxy S6 or a Galaxy S6 Edge do me a favor?
Could you install the latest
to read and write tags? I'm still not sure if those devices are capable of reading/writing
Mifare Classic tags.



It runs on s6 edge the way,  if possible, is there  any one can develop an Android based app on top of ACR122 for key crack? Pm3 ko driver's limited its applicable phone. And this app will be happy to me that no need to carry laptop to connect acr122 anymore for key crack purpose



#405 2016-06-12 11:12:12

Registered: 2012-09-20
Posts: 249

Re: MCT - An Android NFC-App for reading/writing/analysing/etc. MF Classic

Hi laserword! Thanks for testing MCT on Samsung's Galaxy S6 Edge.
As dv44 reported on github MCT is now working on the Galaxy S5 too.
I looks like Samsung made Mifare Classic work again on some of their devices.

Cracking Mifare Classic tags with a ACR122u connected to a mobile sounds really cool.
But right now I have not time to look into this. hmm Maybe sometime in the far future when
I will look into ACR122u support for MCT...


#406 2016-06-13 21:07:18

Registered: 2013-04-25
Posts: 9,533

Re: MCT - An Android NFC-App for reading/writing/analysing/etc. MF Classic


Did you ever have a look at this SDK?


#407 2016-06-16 17:56:50

Registered: 2012-09-20
Posts: 249

Re: MCT - An Android NFC-App for reading/writing/analysing/etc. MF Classic

Yeah, I did. I was about the time it was released. You can either pay or use
a free version. However, the free version sends tracking information to NXP.
This something I definitely don't want to have in MCT just for idealistic reasons.
(you know, free software, GPL, etc. wink)


#408 2016-06-16 18:05:45

Registered: 2013-04-25
Posts: 9,533

Re: MCT - An Android NFC-App for reading/writing/analysing/etc. MF Classic

Just for the record, how much are we talking about in costs?


#409 2016-06-16 18:35:53

Registered: 2012-09-20
Posts: 249

Re: MCT - An Android NFC-App for reading/writing/analysing/etc. MF Classic

I don't know. You have to buy some kind of credits to activate your license.
There are two packages available:
* Package 1 – 1000 MIFARE Credits  99€
* Package 2 – 5000 MIFARE Credits 399€
(source: … -advanced/)
And according to the FAQ the payed version has the tracking too...


#410 2016-09-23 23:27:38

From: Nearby
Registered: 2016-03-28
Posts: 62

Re: MCT - An Android NFC-App for reading/writing/analysing/etc. MF Classic

Feel free to add philips i908 to the compatibility list, it works like a charm! Its the most cheapest up to date platform for the app available nowadays btw

Last edited by osys (2016-09-24 10:54:45)


#411 2016-10-09 18:00:40

Registered: 2012-09-20
Posts: 249

Re: MCT - An Android NFC-App for reading/writing/analysing/etc. MF Classic

New release! (Version 2.1.0: APK-file, Google Play (Donate Version), F-Droid)
(See: original post, updated)

* Set custom sector count (read/write MIFARE Classic 2k).
* Check BCC before writing.
* Added BCC calculator tool.
* Added more well known keys to the extended key file.
   (Remove the old and restart MCT to get the new key file.)
* Added Chinese translation.
* Changed "Mifare" to "MIFARE" to comply with NXP's registered trademark.
* Added multiple devices to the list of incompatible devices.
* Some minor bug fixes.

Regarding "Set custom sector count":
Because Android is not able to detect MIFARE Classic tags with 2k memory
(actually they are MIFARE Plus 2k tags in MIFARE Classic compatibility mode, SL1)
you can now provide a custom sector count to force a tag size (e.g. 32 for 2k tags).
This might also be handy for tags which emulating MIFARE Classic tags.

Regarding "Changed "Mifare" to "MIFARE" to comply with NXP's registered trademark":
People from contacted me. They said I have to change "Mifare" to "MIFARE"
and add the registered trademark symbol when possible. I also added another notice to
the about dialog of MCT(apart from the readme and the help & info section).
I hope they and NXP are satisfied with it.

Have a nice day!


#412 2016-10-25 10:17:50

From: Nearby
Registered: 2016-03-28
Posts: 62

Re: MCT - An Android NFC-App for reading/writing/analysing/etc. MF Classic

Dear Ikarus,
Is it feasible to store the app data in the /data partition (or add an option to store the info there) as this is the only place which is being encrypted on the encryption-enabled smartphone. The aim is to be on the safe side having custom dictionary keys and dumps and prevent unauthorized access to the information.
Thank you.


#413 2016-10-28 06:49:19

Registered: 2012-09-20
Posts: 249

Re: MCT - An Android NFC-App for reading/writing/analysing/etc. MF Classic

Hi osys,
this seams like a reasonable option. I put the data on the external memory so everybody can
easily backup or modify them and they do not get lost if the app gets uninstalled. However, if
you store real secret keys then of course it would be best to store them in the /data partition.
I will add an option that allows you to switch between internal and external memory. But as
always, I'm not sure when I will have the spare time to implement it. wink


#414 2016-10-28 08:28:01

From: Nearby
Registered: 2016-03-28
Posts: 62

Re: MCT - An Android NFC-App for reading/writing/analysing/etc. MF Classic

Hi Ikarus,
Thanks for response, better late than never wink


#415 2017-10-20 10:52:36

Registered: 2017-10-08
Posts: 78

Re: MCT - An Android NFC-App for reading/writing/analysing/etc. MF Classic

Hi guys,

Samsung galaxy s5 listed as a compatible phone, but it does not work in my case

Mine is g900i version and lollipop 5.0.0 version running,

Any suggestion? Do I try to install android version 6.0.1 or try rooting the phone?

thanks for your help


#416 2017-10-22 16:40:12

Registered: 2017-06-25
Posts: 46

Re: MCT - An Android NFC-App for reading/writing/analysing/etc. MF Classic

Looks like a great app, but I have some big problems with it...
-I have a Lenovo P2 phone. Like many other applications your app MCT tells me "No MIFARE Classic support", and the app won't work, believing my phone does not support MIFARE Classic. However, with another application "RFID NFC Tool" I"m able of reading and writing MIFARE Classic tags. With the NXP TagInfo app I can read tags with the default keys or with a key I programmed a long time ago. The app won't let me add a new key because it believes my phone does not support MIFARE Classic.

I understand it's not your fault because Lenovo "forgot" to tell that my phone NFC controller is compatible with MIFARE Classic.
So today I tried to update the app but it won't show on the Play Store because "my device is not compatible".

I would greatly appreciate if in the future versions, the app could start and accept to try reading/writing MIFARE Classic tags, even if it knows that there is not MIFARE classic support.

Thank you if anyone could help.

I don't know how to program in Java but maybe someone could tell me which line of code to change in the APK file... I don't actually know if there's source code in the APK file or just bytecode..

Last edited by atmel9077 (2017-10-22 16:41:19)


#417 2017-10-30 17:15:25

Registered: 2012-09-20
Posts: 249

Re: MCT - An Android NFC-App for reading/writing/analysing/etc. MF Classic

That is strange. I never heard of a Galaxy S5 dives that is not able to read/write Mifare Classic tags.
Is there a new version of the S5? How old is the device? And of course, you might want to check if
the issue is still there with Android 6.

Hmm... This should not happen. MCT does not check the "has Mifare Classic support" flag
because a lot of manufacturers miss out on adding it. MCT just checks the list of supported
technologies of the tag which is generated by Android upon the tag discovery. If Mifare Classic
is in that list, device and tag support Mifare Classic. If not, either the device or the tag does not
support it, but you don't know which one. So MCT tries to find out if the tag is Mifare Classic
according to its SAK value (AN10834). I recently updated this check and is not yet released
(issue 131). You can try this test version and see if it helps any. But I doubt it.
Unfortunately I do not know what the developers of the apps you tested do to make this work.
After all, it is Android telling me that I can't use Mifare Classic...

Regarding MCT not being available in the Play Store for P2 users: This is just manual blacklisting
because I was told that the P2 does not support Mifare Classic. This site states so too.

I'm open to suggestions wink

Last edited by ikarus (2017-10-30 17:18:28)


#418 2017-11-05 12:34:32

Registered: 2017-06-25
Posts: 46

Re: MCT - An Android NFC-App for reading/writing/analysing/etc. MF Classic

Thank you.
Here is what I get when I open the app:
When I open the test version I get the same

This is when I open the app, not on tag discovery. After that the "read" and "write" buttons are disabled. The other app that manages to read Mifare Classic "RFID NFC TOOL" tells me that I have no Classic support, it's just that it does not disable the read and write buttons.


#419 2017-11-06 02:36:38

Registered: 2017-10-08
Posts: 78

Re: MCT - An Android NFC-App for reading/writing/analysing/etc. MF Classic

Dear Ikarus,

Its SM-g900i australian version ( optus)

I tried it on 5.0.0 and 6.0.1 version , It does not work,

I could try to downgrading into the kitkat version if that would help.

Is there any app that identify the NFC chip without tearing apart the device?



#420 2017-11-15 22:53:42

Registered: 2012-09-20
Posts: 249

Re: MCT - An Android NFC-App for reading/writing/analysing/etc. MF Classic

I'm not sure if "hb9xar" is you or some other guy found the issue/solution: … issues/152
I will fix it (implement an ugly workaround) in the next release.

I've got more reports of people saying MCT does not work on S5. I wonder
when it stopped working... Does the "not supported" message pop up at
startup or when you try to read a tag?
If it's on startup, it might be the same issue as atmel9077 Lenovo P2 or
if it's on reading tags, you might want to try this testing version.


#421 2017-11-16 02:02:14

Registered: 2017-10-08
Posts: 78

Re: MCT - An Android NFC-App for reading/writing/analysing/etc. MF Classic

Firstly thanks for your reply.

Yes, the  "not supported" message pop up when I try to read a tag. But I gave up and sold the phone,

Now I'm looking to buy Nexus 5X or 6P to give it another go.

I've also tried Xiaomi Mi4 and did not work. So my advice for the people who are looking to buy mobile phones,

Xiaomi Mi4 and Galaxy S5 may not work despite they are listed as compatible devices.


#422 2017-11-17 13:52:54

Registered: 2012-09-20
Posts: 249

Re: MCT - An Android NFC-App for reading/writing/analysing/etc. MF Classic

Hi Heru, thanks for the update.
Be careful if you want to buy the 5X or 6P for the Mifare Classic support.
I have a 5X and it has bugs... Have a look at the issue at github.


#423 2017-11-17 22:55:05

Registered: 2017-10-08
Posts: 78

Re: MCT - An Android NFC-App for reading/writing/analysing/etc. MF Classic

ikarus wrote:

Hi Heru, thanks for the update.
Be careful if you want to buy the 5X or 6P for the Mifare Classic support.
I have a 5X and it has bugs... Have a look at the issue at github.

Thanks for input, much appreciated.

I already bought nexus 5X and it works, ( very excited when it worked the first time smile)

Its too early to say but I had similar issue, ( some  sector shown as not readable)

So I did 2 things, - Hold the fob slightly upwards near the camera and make sure the fob and my hand not shaking or moving while reading a fob,

Yea, its might sound very obvious and silly but when I did that I had no issue at all,



#424 2017-11-26 17:32:08

Registered: 2017-06-25
Posts: 46

Re: MCT - An Android NFC-App for reading/writing/analysing/etc. MF Classic

Sorry for late reply, I just forgot to subscribe to the topic sad
I'm going to test the test version on github, I'll tell you if it works. It's really strange, looks like Lenovo P2 is the only phone having my problem (also P2 might by the first Lenovo to be NFC enabled so they did a little miskake...)


#425 2017-11-28 12:23:46

Registered: 2017-06-25
Posts: 46

Re: MCT - An Android NFC-App for reading/writing/analysing/etc. MF Classic

Tested it and it works!


#426 2017-12-04 19:40:33

Registered: 2013-04-25
Posts: 9,533

Re: MCT - An Android NFC-App for reading/writing/analysing/etc. MF Classic

Move this topic into the Android client,  instead under  "Mifare Classic" since its a Android app.
Also made it sticky since it was kind of hidden.

Too good app not to be easy to find.


#427 2017-12-09 13:18:09

Registered: 2017-10-08
Posts: 78

Re: MCT - An Android NFC-App for reading/writing/analysing/etc. MF Classic

Nexus 5X was terrible for running MCT, the bug mentioned is a rampage, Now I'm considering another mobile phone.

What phone would you guys recommend>? I'm looking into LG G3 and HTC M8,or M9,

Can someone please confirm those phones will work? Thanks in advance

Last edited by Heru (2017-12-09 15:11:27)


#428 2017-12-11 10:14:56

From: London
Registered: 2016-07-18
Posts: 88

Re: MCT - An Android NFC-App for reading/writing/analysing/etc. MF Classic

I have the HTC M8 and when using MCT I need to write to a fob or card twice every time for it to work. the first time says something bad has happened then it writes successfully.
App Version 2.1.0


#429 2017-12-11 10:31:58

Registered: 2017-10-08
Posts: 78

Re: MCT - An Android NFC-App for reading/writing/analysing/etc. MF Classic

Onisan wrote:

I have the HTC M8 and when using MCT I need to write to a fob or card twice every time for it to work. the first time says something bad has happened then it writes successfully.
App Version 2.1.0

Nexus 5x device has similar issue, Also it misses some sectors when it reads,. Apparently its a bug.

Leaning towards to Lg, Xperia Z3, may be HTC9,


#430 2017-12-11 20:27:50

Registered: 2012-09-20
Posts: 249

Re: MCT - An Android NFC-App for reading/writing/analysing/etc. MF Classic

@iceman: Thanks for moving the thread and making it sticky.

@Heru: There is a list of devices which have been confirmed to work with MCT. Check it out at the MCT github repository.


#431 2017-12-28 19:05:23

Registered: 2012-09-20
Posts: 249

Re: MCT - An Android NFC-App for reading/writing/analysing/etc. MF Classic

I've build a testing version of MCT. It contains a lot of changes.
I would appreciate it some of you guys support me by testing it before I release it.
Especially the support for external readers. However, if there are issues, it might be
due to issues in the "External NFC" app (which is developed by another person).

(Some) Changes:
* External readers (like ACR 122 U) are supported if you install "External NFC"
* New startup system (you should notice anything if its working properly)
* New MIFARE Classic detection mechanism
* Save dumps/keys on the internal memory
* Re-Auth setting (helps some users with "broken" Android phones)
* Bug fixes...

Download it here.

Cheers & Greetings from 34c3!


#432 2018-01-04 16:03:12

Registered: 2012-09-20
Posts: 249

Re: MCT - An Android NFC-App for reading/writing/analysing/etc. MF Classic

New release! (Version 2.2.0: APK-file, Google Play (Donate Version), F-Droid)
(See: original post, updated)

* Use external NFC readers like ACR 122U.
   (See corresponding help & info section for more information.)
* Added preference for retrying the authentication.
   (Might fix issues for some tags and/or Android devices.)
* Added a preference to store files (keys and dumps) internally.
* Added fix/workaround for Lenovo's P2.
* Bugfix: Ignore the BCC check if the UID is 7 bytes long.
   Thanks to "maxben14"
* Improved MIFARE Classic support check.
* Set the default theme to dark holo.
* Updated the list of compatible and incompatible devices.
* Some minor bug fixes.

With this update some external readers are now supported. If you have an ACR 122U and an Android device
without NFC but with USB-OTG support, you can install External NFC and use MCT.

Have a nice day!


#433 2018-01-07 13:58:45

Registered: 2012-09-20
Posts: 249

Re: MCT - An Android NFC-App for reading/writing/analysing/etc. MF Classic

New release! (Version 2.2.1: APK-file, Google Play (Donate Version), F-Droid)
(See: original post, updated)

* Bugfix: Crash when sharing keys/dumps on Android 7+.
* Bugfix: Crash when using auto reconnect.
* Bugfix: Crash when pausing the app.
* Updated the list of compatible and incompatible devices.

Have a nice day!


#434 2018-01-14 12:57:20

Registered: 2012-09-20
Posts: 249

Re: MCT - An Android NFC-App for reading/writing/analysing/etc. MF Classic

New release! (Version 2.2.2: APK-file, Google Play (Donate Version), F-Droid)
(See: original post, updated)

* Made number of authentication retries customisable.
* Bugfix: Crash while saving files.
* Bugfix: Crash on sorting key files.
* Bugfix: Crash when sharing dump/key files.
* Bugfix: Crash when pasting from clipboard.

Have a nice day!


#435 2018-01-23 21:46:40

Registered: 2012-09-20
Posts: 249

Re: MCT - An Android NFC-App for reading/writing/analysing/etc. MF Classic

New release! (Version 2.2.3: APK-file, Google Play (Donate Version), F-Droid)
(See: original post, updated)

* Bugfix: Crash when clearing tmp directory.
* Bugfix: Crash when resuming the main menu without intent.
* Fixed gradle build. Thanks to Bruno Pagani.

Have a nice day!


#436 2018-09-30 22:34:14

Registered: 2012-09-20
Posts: 249

Re: MCT - An Android NFC-App for reading/writing/analysing/etc. MF Classic

New release! (Version 2.2.4: APK-file, Google Play (Donate Version), F-Droid)
(See: original post, updated)

* Added more well known keys to the extended key file.
   (Remove the old and restart MCT to get the new key file.)
* Added a preference to automatically save UIDs to the Clipboard.
   Thanks to "samscode".
* Set the default theme to dark material or dark holo depending
   on the Android version.
* Bugfix: Hangup on Google Pixel devices with Android 9.
* Switched to an adaptive icon.
* Updated the list of compatible and incompatible devices.
* Some minor bug fixes.

Have a nice day!


#437 2018-10-12 23:52:25

Registered: 2018-02-27
Posts: 41

Re: MCT - An Android NFC-App for reading/writing/analysing/etc. MF Classic

I've added the keys, or at least i think i've found the keys, to a new file but this is what i see.
Why i cant see the rest of

This is the info about the card

And this are the keys

I saw a text about Mifare and the info about this guy card's is like this. It's completely different from mine.

He used MFOC

Any help with this ?


#438 2019-02-16 15:15:18

Registered: 2012-09-20
Posts: 249

Re: MCT - An Android NFC-App for reading/writing/analysing/etc. MF Classic

New release! (Version 2.2.5: APK-file, Google Play (Donate Version), F-Droid)
(See: original post, updated)

* Improved compatibility with External NFC.
* Added more well known keys to the extended key file.
   (Remove the old and restart MCT to get the new key file.)
* Imporved the mct2eml converter tool.
* Bugfix: Detect if key B is readable.
   Thanks to Vladimir "phcoder" Serbinenko.
* Bugfix: Show "dead sector" if auth worked but no data could be read.
* Bugfix: Read key B even ACs don't allow to read block 0 of sector x.
* Updated the list of compatible and incompatible devices.
* Some small code refactoring. Thanks to Hamidreza "HrBDev" Bayat.

Have a nice day!


#439 2019-03-31 16:14:51

Registered: 2012-09-20
Posts: 249

Re: MCT - An Android NFC-App for reading/writing/analysing/etc. MF Classic

New release! (Version 2.2.6: APK-file, Google Play (Donate Version), F-Droid)
(See: original post, updated)

* Autorun on tag detection can be deactivated now. Thanks to "aerizzo".
* Removed PayPal links to be compliant to Google's payment policies.
* Some fixed to the all-0-keys bug.

Have a nice day!


#440 2019-05-04 17:29:21

Registered: 2012-09-20
Posts: 249

Re: MCT - An Android NFC-App for reading/writing/analysing/etc. MF Classic

New release! (Version 2.3.0: APK-file, Google Play (Donate Version), F-Droid)
(See: original post, updated)

* New Feature: Clone UID tool makes cloning the UID easy.
   Thanks to Slawomir Jasek from

Have a nice day!


#441 2019-05-04 19:26:41

Registered: 2012-09-20
Posts: 249

Re: MCT - An Android NFC-App for reading/writing/analysing/etc. MF Classic

New release! (Version 2.3.1: APK-file, Google Play (Donate Version), F-Droid)
(See: original post, updated)

* Bugfix: Do not crash if there is only one key in
   the key file.

Have a nice day!


#442 2020-09-01 00:34:05

Registered: 2012-09-20
Posts: 249

Re: MCT - An Android NFC-App for reading/writing/analysing/etc. MF Classic

New release! (Version 3.0.0: APK-file, Google Play (Donate Version), F-Droid)
(See: original post, updated)

* Added import/export tool for different file formats.
* Added UID log tool.
* Added tool for converting data formats (ASCII/hex/bin).
* The clone UID tool now supports 7 or 10 bytes long UIDs.
* Added random UID generator for clone UID tool.
* Added more well known keys to the extended key file.
   (Remove the old and restart MCT to get the new key file.)
* Updated Spanish translation. Thanks to Richard "RAVMN".
* Compatibility updates for Android 10.
* Updated the list of compatible and incompatible devices.
* Bugfix: Share dumps/keys when using internal storage.
* Bugfix: Auto reconnect option for key mapping should now work.
* Bugfix: Use MCT with External NFC on device with no MFC support.
* Some minor bug fixes.

Have a nice day!

Last edited by ikarus (2020-09-01 19:31:56)


#443 2020-09-01 19:31:41

Registered: 2012-09-20
Posts: 249

Re: MCT - An Android NFC-App for reading/writing/analysing/etc. MF Classic

New release! (Version 3.0.1: APK-file, Google Play (Donate Version), F-Droid)
(See: original post, updated)

* Added clarification that importing .dump files is
   also supported.
* Some minor bug fixes.

Have a nice day!


#444 2020-09-01 19:35:50

Registered: 2012-09-20
Posts: 249

Re: MCT - An Android NFC-App for reading/writing/analysing/etc. MF Classic

I will no longer announce releases of MCT here. You can check Github, Google Play or my Twitter (@iiiikarus).

Feel free to use this tread to ask questions or to provide feedback.

Last edited by ikarus (2020-10-14 23:20:15)


#445 2020-09-06 09:49:58

Registered: 2019-01-24
Posts: 22

Re: MCT - An Android NFC-App for reading/writing/analysing/etc. MF Classic

Thank you for a great app smile

Is there a way that I can use my donated version of the app on my  phone with LinageOS (without google system)?


#446 2020-10-14 23:16:51

Registered: 2012-09-20
Posts: 249

Re: MCT - An Android NFC-App for reading/writing/analysing/etc. MF Classic

Thank you and thank you for buying the donate version!
I'm sorry, the Google system is the only platform where I distribute the donate version (because of the convenient and built it payment system).

From a technical perspective: Yes, you can extract the donate version of the app from a phone with Google Play and install it on your other phone. Just enable ADB and run the following commands.

Extract APK

adb shell pm path de.syss.MifareClassicToolDonate
adb pull /data/app/---------/base.apk /path/to/local/folder/MCT-Donate.apk

Install APK

adb install -r /path/to/local/folder/MCT-Donate.apk

Best of luck!


#447 2020-10-21 20:49:09

Registered: 2019-01-24
Posts: 22

Re: MCT - An Android NFC-App for reading/writing/analysing/etc. MF Classic

@ikarus Thanks smile

Last edited by Petrolhead (2020-10-21 20:49:26)


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