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#1 2015-07-24 11:12:51

Registered: 2013-04-25
Posts: 9,525


I found this inside the libnfc, …
Where it looks like the 14b' protocol is used.


#2 2015-07-24 12:10:30

Registered: 2008-08-24
Posts: 1,409

Re: 14B'

Great finding !!! Can someone with old navigo can test this ?


#3 2015-07-27 14:05:02

Registered: 2014-09-18
Posts: 13

Re: 14B'

Too fast Iceman !
I try to snoop my old Navigo and as Asper said => Nothing was capture (hf 14b snoop).
So, it confirm Navigo have 2 versions with a 14B'

Sadly, I don't' have another reader to test the script.

During this WE, I decompile the java app used to read the navigo card on the official RATP website.
I found 2 infos which could be usefull and confirm the 2 versions of the navigo :

String selectAPDUs = "00A4040008315449432E494341|9000;94A40800022000|9000";


#4 2015-07-27 16:04:42

Registered: 2013-04-25
Posts: 9,525

Re: 14B'

Too fast?

[94A40800022000] This part I've seen in the Navigo lua scripts.
[00A4040008315449432E494341] this one I haven't tested.   can you test it?

Last edited by iceman (2015-07-27 16:05:05)


#5 2015-07-28 23:19:55

Registered: 2014-09-18
Posts: 13

Re: 14B'

I found 2 source code which could be interesting to implement 14B' (source)

I try to analyse it and extract (what I suppose to be roll ) some useful information.

In Hydro API, a new struct is added to the ISO 14443-B for B':

[== C++ ==]
struct {
            unsigned char   m_ucAtr [33] // Array with ATR (only applicable with ISO 14443-B' Innovatron Tag) 
            unsigned char   m_ucAtrLen   // ATR Length (only applicable with ISO 14443-B' Innovatron Tag) 
            unsigned char   m_ucConfig   // Config (only applicable with ISO 14443-B' Innovatron Tag) 
            unsigned char   m_ucVerlog   // Verlog (only applicable with ISO 14443-B' Innovatron Tag) 

In Spingprox:

[== C++ ==]
/* B' (Innovatron) */
/* --------------- */

/* Those function are only avalaible for Calypso-enabled readers */


#6 2015-07-28 23:40:48

Registered: 2013-04-25
Posts: 9,525

Re: 14B'

I wonder if you are able to use the apdu for 14b' with the  "hf 14b raw" commands. 

UID - 4bytes,  ok.
ATR as a max of 33/32bytes  but is defined with a atrlen variable.
CONFIG - 1byte
VERLOG - 1byte

00 - normal CLA?
A4 - CMD
04 - P1
00 - P2
08 - LEN of next data.
[31 54 49 43] [2E 49 43 41]   (Directory/Files} ?

But what is the REQB / ATTRIB commands for 14b' ? Thats the question.
Or did your tag answer to the 05 00 08 ??


#7 2016-03-17 18:04:55

Registered: 2013-04-25
Posts: 9,525

Re: 14B'


just to enhance some functionality of the "hf 14b raw" command meant that I had to rewrite a lot of it.
but the upside is that codewise the new raw command looks and behavies just like "hf 14a raw". 

Since I'm thinking a lua imp for dealing with Calypso tags I started with that. Since there was not much to start with, I had to write that aswell.   Now that I have everything I need for it, I can start with my lua script. Below is a sample of reading a calypso tag, and selecting the AID 2000.  With a nice answer from the tag, verified with the output from "hf list 14b"

pm3 --> sc r f
--- Executing: ./scripts/f.lua, args''
Waiting for card... press any key to quit
Card UID        2618ADC4
Card Number     639151556
>>      0a0094a40800043f000002
<<      0A0085170204021D011F000000010101010000000000000000000090003425
pm3 --> hf li 14b
Recorded Activity (TraceLen = 137 bytes)

Start = Start of Start Bit, End = End of last modulation. Src = Source of Transfer
iso14443a - All times are in carrier periods (1/13.56Mhz)
iClass    - Timings are not as accurate

      Start |        End | Src | Data (! denotes parity error)                                   | CRC | Annotation         |


          0 |          0 | Rdr |05  00  08  39  73                                               |  ok | WUPB
        696 |        696 | Tag |50  26  18  ad  c4  00  00  00  00  00  71  81  8c  74           |  ok |
          0 |          0 | Rdr |1d  26  18  ad  c4  00  08  01  00  a5  8f                       |  ok | ATTRIB
        264 |        264 | Tag |00  78  f0                                                       |  ok |
          0 |          0 | Rdr |0a  00  94  a4  08  00  04  3f  00  00  02  d3  59               |  ok | AUTHENTICATE
       1948 |       1948 | Tag |0a  00  85  17  02  04  02  1d  01  1f  00  00  00  01  01  01   |     |
            |            |     |01  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  90  00  34  25       |  ok |


#8 2016-03-21 21:51:44

Registered: 2013-04-25
Posts: 9,525

Re: 14B'

Looking way better. 
The ISO 7816 annotation works, and  the calypso tag gives happily out data.

pm3 --> sc r calypso
--- Executing: ./scripts/calypso.lua, args''
Waiting for card... press any key to quit
Card UID        2618ADC4
Card Number     639151556
>>      01.Select ICC file
<< no answer
>>      02.ICC
<< no answer
>>      03.Select EnvHol file
<< no answer
>>      04.EnvHol1
<< no answer
>>      05.Select EvLog file
SW      9000    OK
<<      0285170804041D031F12121201030303000000000000000000009000FB5F
>>      06.EvLog1
SW      9000    OK
<<      036D2168900068A18818F2808828002040000000000000000000000000009000BA5D
>>      07.EvLog2
SW      9000    OK
<<      026D2167900068A18818F20088100020400000000000000000000000000090002E75
>>      08.EvLog3
SW      9000    OK
<<      036D2165900068A2B818F6818A100090400000000000000000000000000090009B5D
>>      09.Select ConList file
SW      9000    OK
<<      0285171E04021D011F120000010301010000000000000000000090002D92
>>      10.ConList
SW      9000    OK
<<      031C1FF2100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000090009F06
>>      11.Select Contra file
SW      9000    OK
<<      0285170904021D041F121200010203010000000000000000000090008E98
>>      12.Contra1
SW      9000    OK
<<      035A506000001166109A456D21B4E1FD6D200C9E3404019CFFFFFFFFFFFF90000FBB
>>      13.Contra2
SW      9000    OK
>>      14.Contra3
SW      9000    OK
>>      15.Contra4
SW      9000    OK
>>      16.Select Counter file
SW      9000    OK
<<      0385171904091D011F1212120102030200000000000000FFFFFF9000C9D7
>>      17.Counter
SW      9000    OK
<<      0200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000009000E93A
>>      18.Select SpecEv file
SW      9000    OK
<<      0385171D04021D031F12000001030101000000000000000000009000663E
>>      19.SpecEv1
SW      9000    OK
<<      0200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000009000E93A
pm3 --> hf li 7816
Recorded Activity (TraceLen = 1031 bytes)

Start = Start of Start Bit, End = End of last modulation. Src = Source of Transfer
iso14443a - All times are in carrier periods (1/13.56Mhz)
iClass    - Timings are not as accurate

      Start |        End | Src | Data (! denotes parity error)                                   | CRC | Annotation         |


          0 |          0 | Rdr |05  00  08  39  73                                               |     | ?
        698 |        698 | Tag |50  26  18  ad  c4  00  00  00  00  00  71  81  8c  74           |     |
          0 |          0 | Rdr |1d  26  18  ad  c4  00  08  01  00  a5  8f                       |     | ?
        264 |        264 | Tag |00  78  f0                                                       |     |
          0 |          0 | Rdr |02  94  a4  08  00  04  20  00  20  10  41  1b                   |     | SELECT FILE
       2182 |       2182 | Tag |02  85  17  08  04  04  1d  03  1f  12  12  12  01  03  03  03   |     |
            |            |     |00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  90  00  fb  5f           |     |
          0 |          0 | Rdr |02  94  b2  01  04  1d  ee  42                                   |     | READ RECORDS
       1622 |       1622 | Tag |03  6d  21  68  90  00  68  a1  88  18  f2  80  88  28  00  20   |     |
            |            |     |40  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  90  00   |     |
            |            |     |ba  5d                                                           |     |
          0 |          0 | Rdr |02  94  b2  02  04  1d  8a  ad                                   |     | READ RECORDS
       1624 |       1624 | Tag |02  6d  21  67  90  00  68  a1  88  18  f2  00  88  10  00  20   |     |
            |            |     |40  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  90  00   |     |
            |            |     |2e  75                                                           |     |
          0 |          0 | Rdr |02  94  b2  03  04  1d  56  f7                                   |     | READ RECORDS
       1622 |       1622 | Tag |03  6d  21  65  90  00  68  a2  b8  18  f6  81  8a  10  00  90   |     |
            |            |     |40  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  90  00   |     |
            |            |     |9b  5d                                                           |     |
          0 |          0 | Rdr |02  94  a4  08  00  04  20  00  20  50  45  59                   |     | SELECT FILE
       1682 |       1682 | Tag |02  85  17  1e  04  02  1d  01  1f  12  00  00  01  03  01  01   |     |
            |            |     |00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  90  00  2d  92           |     |
          0 |          0 | Rdr |02  94  b2  01  04  1d  ee  42                                   |     | READ RECORDS
       1626 |       1626 | Tag |03  1c  1f  f2  10  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00   |     |
            |            |     |00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  90  00   |     |
            |            |     |9f  06                                                           |     |
          0 |          0 | Rdr |02  94  a4  08  00  04  20  00  20  20  c2  2a                   |     | SELECT FILE
       1698 |       1698 | Tag |02  85  17  09  04  02  1d  04  1f  12  12  00  01  02  03  01   |     |
            |            |     |00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  90  00  8e  98           |     |
          0 |          0 | Rdr |02  94  b2  01  04  1d  ee  42                                   |     | READ RECORDS
       1620 |       1620 | Tag |03  5a  50  60  00  00  11  66  10  9a  45  6d  21  b4  e1  fd   |     |
            |            |     |6d  20  0c  9e  34  04  01  9c  ff  ff  ff  ff  ff  ff  90  00   |     |
            |            |     |0f  bb                                                           |     |
          0 |          0 | Rdr |02  94  b2  02  04  1d  8a  ad                                   |     | READ RECORDS
       1620 |       1620 | Tag |02  00  00  0f  ff  ff  ff  ff  ff  ff  ff  ff  ff  ff  ff  ff   |     |
            |            |     |ff  ff  ff  ff  ff  ff  ff  ff  ff  ff  ff  ff  ff  ff  90  00   |     |
            |            |     |e1  79                                                           |     |
          0 |          0 | Rdr |02  94  b2  03  04  1d  56  f7                                   |     | READ RECORDS
       1622 |       1622 | Tag |03  00  00  0f  ff  ff  ff  ff  ff  ff  ff  ff  ff  ff  ff  ff   |     |
            |            |     |ff  ff  ff  ff  ff  ff  ff  ff  ff  ff  ff  ff  ff  ff  90  00   |     |
            |            |     |83  0e                                                           |     |
          0 |          0 | Rdr |02  94  b2  04  04  1d  53  7b                                   |     | READ RECORDS
       1624 |       1624 | Tag |02  00  00  0f  ff  ff  ff  ff  ff  ff  ff  ff  ff  ff  ff  ff   |     |
            |            |     |ff  ff  ff  ff  ff  ff  ff  ff  ff  ff  ff  ff  ff  ff  90  00   |     |
            |            |     |e1  79                                                           |     |
          0 |          0 | Rdr |02  94  a4  08  00  04  20  00  20  69  07  f5                   |     | SELECT FILE
       1692 |       1692 | Tag |03  85  17  19  04  09  1d  01  1f  12  12  12  01  02  03  02   |     |
            |            |     |00  00  00  00  00  00  00  ff  ff  ff  90  00  c9  d7           |     |
          0 |          0 | Rdr |02  94  b2  01  04  1d  ee  42                                   |     | READ RECORDS
       1618 |       1618 | Tag |02  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00   |     |
            |            |     |00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  90  00   |     |
            |            |     |e9  3a                                                           |     |
          0 |          0 | Rdr |02  94  a4  08  00  04  20  00  20  40  c4  49                   |     | SELECT FILE
       1694 |       1694 | Tag |03  85  17  1d  04  02  1d  03  1f  12  00  00  01  03  01  01   |     |
            |            |     |00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  90  00  66  3e           |     |
          0 |          0 | Rdr |02  94  b2  01  04  1d  ee  42                                   |     | READ RECORDS
       1628 |       1628 | Tag |02  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00   |     |
            |            |     |00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  90  00   |     |
            |            |     |e9  3a                                                           |     |
pm3 -->


#9 2016-03-21 21:54:29

Registered: 2013-04-25
Posts: 9,525

Re: 14B'

But my usb communication between device and client over a vmware client is so slow that it drops some packages.  Thats why the "<< no answer" rows from executing the script.

Someone up for starting mapping data? smile


#10 2016-03-22 12:41:51

Registered: 2008-08-24
Posts: 1,409

Re: 14B'

Great work !


#11 2019-10-27 15:35:20

Registered: 2019-09-22
Posts: 3

Re: 14B'

iceman wrote:

But my usb communication between device and client over a vmware client is so slow that it drops some packages.  Thats why the "<< no answer" rows from executing the script.

Someone up for starting mapping data? smile

Sorry for bumping this. Are there any news on the matter? Were you able to read the data fully?


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